We moved Sunday and made it to San Antonio safely. The new apartment is awesome, and we should be finished setting up tomorrow. It's in a great location, right next to a park with all kinds of trees, bike trails, and a dog run. Tonight when we drove through we saw two deer, one about 10 feet away from the car with fairly large antlers. These are a few pictures from the move, but for the most part we were too busy to be taking pictures!
Scott buzzing around the Stennis ramp with the Budget truck getting into position to load the toolbox and car. This probably wouldn't be cool with everyone at San Antonio International!

The beagle.

The G450 that Taylor sold to Valero, with it's new paint job and N number.

The weather is BEAUTIFUL! It's hot, but mostly just in the afternoon and it feels like there's no humidity. No more breaking a sweat just walking to the car!