Saturday, July 23, 2011

More Animals...

Maybe if the cat wasn't so worthless we wouldn't have such small animal problem... We can't decide if all of this activity surrounding the cat food is cool or alarming. The possum was at least a little skittish when he saw us but the raccoon didn't really care. Scott was changing the locks on the garage door and the raccoon walked right by him within 4 feet, looked at him as if to say "what's up?" and went on his way. At least if he gets his fill of cat food he'll stay out of garbage. Assumedly.

It's all fun and games until the baby skunk gets freaked out by the raccoon and decides to spray. At some point we should probably just take up the food and water at night when Scooter's done, but for now it's cool to check up periodically and see if we have any visitors!


Anonymous said...

Yep, I'd trade the skunk for the racoon, possum,deer... I guess you were just lucky that mama wasn't around. Maybe it's time for a dog!
Love you guys

Karla said...

Aww he's so cute and all alooone! Can ya keep him?? :)

Renee said...

Karla are you nuts?!?!! We're talkin' about a raccoon here, raccoons eat cats like Scooter!!

Karla said...

But he's so little!!

(I'm pretty sure we could go all day with this...and I haven't seen that movie in forever!) :)