We went to the Riverwalk for Christmas Eve again this year, it's becoming a nice tradition. We thought about taking the beagle for about two seconds, and were glad we didn't when we saw how many more people were there this year.

Scott's check ride for his single engine flight instructor rating was scheduled about eight times in the past six months (remember when he got his multi engine instructor rating last June? And it was only supposed to take a couple weeks after that? Yeah, right.). At one point in mid-December it was going to be at Lakeway airport near Austin, where Scott had never been, so the weekend before we flew up there so he could get used to the field and kind of get his bearings in the area. It ended up getting cancelled for weather again, but we got some cool pictures of the area and the sunset.

He finally got his check ride this past Saturday and passed no problem, so if you know anyone looking for a flight instructor in San Antonio, send them his way!
Way to go Scott!! Love & miss you guys!
YAAAYYYYY!!!! Nice going Scott!! Glad it finally worked out! And Renee you look bee-autiful in that picture!! :)
Love yas,
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