Saturday morning we decided to do a quick flight to Fredericksburg to get some breakfast at the airport diner since the weather was supposed to be so nice. We're now flying out of Boerne, which is just north of San Antonio in the hill country. The Boerne Airport has a really cool atmosphere, a small community type quality about it, and with it being such a nice day there were a lot of people out and about flying.
The field.

The bird, a Piper Archer 181.

A different perspective with the wing being below the windows...

Coming in to land at Fredericksburg.

The diner is right on the ramp and people will walk around and look at everybody's airplanes while they're parked there. Right in front of our window was a 2006 Cirrus SR22 GTS that had obviously been in some kind of accident. We asked the waitress and she said about 3 weeks ago the pilot, who had been inexperienced, had run off the runway and into a fence while attempting to land. It had damage to both wings, the fuselage, the propeller, engine, rudder, and both wheels. Without being experts or anything it appeared to be a total loss because of the structural damage to the fuselage. This particular type of Cirrus was over $500,000 new and is still worth over $300,000 today. We didn't want to be the jerks on the ramp taking pictures of the poor damaged Cirrus but we managed to get this one surreptitiously.

Something different about the Archer is that there's only one door, so the pilot has to get in first and crawl across before the passengers get in.

Taking off from Fredericksburg. It's hard to see the hills from the air but Fredericksburg is also in the hill country and it was a really nice scenic flight.

Great pictures & look, there's no snow! Quite a site to us poor (warming but still cold) northerners.
I think after all of this you should publish a book about all the airports in Texas.
Timberland boots
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