Sunday afternoon and evening we went west to Real County and Edwards County airports. Both were really out in the middle of nowhere but it was some very scenic countryside.
Medina Lake.
Renee (inner monologue): I wonder if maybe giving Bridget leftover black jellybeans is maybe bad for both her stomach AND her teeth. It seems like the perfect solution, no one has to eat the black jelly beans and they don't go to waste but still...still....
Scott (breaking Renee's reverie): Okay, now I'm going to need you to scoot your chair all the way up and lean forward so I can kill the wasp that's in here.
Renee: What wasp?
Scott: The one that's behind you...
~much swatting and commotion in the backseat~
Scott (visibly lacking a paper towel full of wasp): Okay, I got it.
Renee: Where is it?
Scott: I got it, it's dead, I'll get rid of it when we get to Rock Springs.
~5 minutes later, wasp lands on Renee's window 5 inches from her shoulder~
Renee: It's not dead! It's not dead!
Scott: Okay, everybody STAY CALM. Get your chair forward again...
~an even greater period of swatting and commotion in the backseat~
Renee: How'd it get in here?
Scott: I don't know, how'd YOU get in here? It probably came in a window or door or something...(Scott has a smart mouth)
Renee: I just think I would have noticed a wasp the size of my fist walking in the door with me is all...
Scott (winded): Okay, NOW it's dead. I'm almost positive.
Renee: What do you mean almost positive?
Scott: It's dead, let's move on! Unless we stop, shut everything down and physically remove it from the aircraft,
Renee: If that's what it takes to make sure it's dead then that is what I would prefer!
Scott: It's dead, it HAS to be, I'm 100% sure...can you make it a half hour?
Renee: Fine, if you're sure...
Scott: I'm sure.
~10 minutes later, after takeoff~
Scott looks over to his left, sees the wasp on his window, grabs a map and smashes it against the window, leaving a smudge, without saying a word.
Renee: I knew it. I knew it.
Renee: I knew it. I knew it.
Scott (laughing): Okay NOW it's dead! Cross-check confirmed!
~15 minutes later~
Renee (noticing the dead wasp perched on top of her book in her purse): That wasp is in my purse.
Scott: NO WAY. IT. CAN'T. BE.
Scott: NO WAY. IT. CAN'T. BE.
Renee: I mean it's dead, but it's in my purse.
Scott: Oh. I'll get it out when we land. Jeesh.
This is a picture of the runway at Real County, we're going to submit a couple pictures of airports to to see if they use them. The one currently on there for this airport was last updated in 2003, but it's prettier because itwas taken in the summer. We'll see what happens, it would be kind of cool to have our picture posted.
What, no picture of the wasp?? I'm disappointed. (and actually glad I didn't have to be cooped up with it:)
Love you both,
A terrible experience made very funny by the excellent narration.
Loved the wasp story..thanks for the laugh. :)
1: Love the phone booth
(I may have even read the dialogue out loud with voices...)
Haha reminds me of all the times in the pool when you'd freak out about the wasps... :)
I do not care for wasps, never have. That's for sure!
CAT shoes
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