Scott was in Scottsdale, AZ last week for a few days and got a few pictures of the landscape.

In other news, Bridget was sick last Friday night to the point that if we hadn't taken her to the emergency vet she would have died (that's not just Renee being dramatic, that is what the emergency vet said). We took her in at about 11pm Friday night and they hooked her up to an IV and kept her until 2pm the next day. She had been throwing up everything, including water so she was pretty dehydrated. She was also in a lot of pain and her stomach was as hard as a rock. We didn't realize how serious the situation was and thought we would be able to take her to the vet first thing Saturday morning but things got bad pretty fast Friday night and after finding out how serious throwing up water is, we took her in. They did all kinds of tests on her, most we had already had done before, did a couple x-rays, gave her a lot of medicine, but still weren't able to figure out what's wrong with her. After being on antibiotics the past week she's 100% again but her getting so sick is an untenable situation. She's on allergy-free food, a probiotic powder to aid with digestion, Pepcid, and now it looks like we may need try some sort of maintenance antibiotic since no one knows exactly what's wrong with her. We shall see...
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