We spent this past weekend at Possum Kingdom Lake, which is a couple hours west of Ft. Worth, about a 5 hour drive north of San Antonio. Renee's aunt and uncle were kind enough to let us use their lake house, boat, and jet ski for the weekend, and did we have a blast! Everything was absolutely beautiful, it was one of the most fun vacations we've ever had!

These cliffs are called "Hell's Gate." Cliff jumping is popular at Possum Kingdom in general, and we heard that every Fourth of July there are usually a couple people who actually jump from here.
You can get a sense of perspective with the boat to the side.
View from the side (absolutely gorgeous scenery!).

These cliffs are a lot shorter, but still way too high for us :-) There are several people jumping in this picture.

We spent our time boating, jet skiing, fishing, and swimming. This is Scott tearing it up on the jet ski.

This was the swimming dock right outside the condo. The water was super deep pretty much everywhere.

Cannonball off the boat!


Boat slips in the background.

Inside Hell's Gate is a swimming area where people hang out with their boats anchored. Friday there was no one there but Saturday afternoon there were a lot of boats, hard to guess exactly how many. There was even one string of boats tied together that was 10 boats long! It was a really cool atmosphere, people had their stereos on their boats playing and people were just hanging out, having a good time.

Friday night we went to Renee's aunt and uncle's favorite area restaurant, Wildcatter Ranch. We had a window seat, and the view was beautiful! We didn't realize the hill country covered so much of Texas...Possum Kingdom is located in the northern hill country and the southern hill country begins just north of San Antonio.

There were a couple of horses right by the restaurant, and one came over to say "hi" to Renee, probably because he thought she had food!

Saturday morning we went fishing off of the swimming dock, casting back towards the rocks where Scott had a feeling there may be some tasty panfish (although we were catching and releasing). He was right...

This was the swimming hole we pulled 20 fish from in a little less than 2 hours! 12 catfish and 8 bluegill (we were going for quantity, not quality :-). We couldn't hardly keep up...as soon as the hook hit the water the bobber went down...and who knows how many more got away with our bait that we didn't snag!

These beasts were caught with regular earthworms on light sporting tackle.

A friendly black lab came to check out what we had going on.

This crane (on the rock outcropping, hard to see in this picture) had the same idea we did and was fishing in the same spot the next morning.

The sunset from the balcony.
We had such a fantastic time, a huge thanks to Renee's aunt and uncle!!!
What a way to spend a birthday & vacation! Glad it was so wonderful. By the way, where was Bridget?
Bridget was on vacation at Camp Bow Wow :-)
Fun! Fun! We've been offered that same vacation spot. How dumb of us that we haven't taken them up on it!!! You're so smart! :)
You TOTALLY need to...you guys would have a blast, especially the kids!
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