Scott isn't meeting with his new instructor to hammer out a schedule for his commercial rating until this week and he was getting antsy as he hadn't flown in a couple weeks, so today we flew to Hondo just for fun. The clouds were scattered and it looked like a good day to go tear them up, which is just what we did.

Taking off from Stinson.

This was just one of the victims but all of the pictures look the same...

It was cool being on the same level as the clouds...some were flat and some were poofier and it was just a different perspective to hang out on their level for a prolonged period of time.

This little guy didn't have a chance...




We landed briefly in Hondo and then headed back to Stinson.

The MetLife blimp had landed at Stinson while we were gone...notice Snoopy being the pilot!
Poor little clouds didn't have a chance.
Senior Moment!! That comment was from LR.
I didn't know you could do that! I have to agree with LR, they really didn't even have a chance. What did they look like after you were done???
They were tore up!
Haha, great description for JS, Renee. I wish I could fly with Devin and go fast like 90--he says he likes to tear them up too! :)
It was just a little guy! You shouldn't be so rough with them, what'd they ever do to you?
That looks awesome just going up and enjoying your time flying. We'll have to swap stories come next holiday season.
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