Sunday we went to Lackland Air Force Base for Air Fest 2008.
This shot is looking toward the static displays. The ramp was packed with people once the show started, but since we were second in the gate (because Scott's crazy), the only people you see here are those working at the displays.
Our spot, front and center. Luckily we were the second ones in the gate and 3 hours early because once the show started it was a wall of people at least 40 deep behind us.
The Army Golden Knights parachute team.
The Golden Knights again with their aircraft flying behind them.

Three of the Blue Angels.
F-22, F-15, F-16, and P-51 Heritage Flight.
In other news, our computer of seven years crashed Saturday. Luckily, we were able to keep restarting it between crashes and get all of our pictures and programs we needed off of it, but it's toast. We're using Scott's laptop as a home computer now, and really we should have thought of this sooner because it's much faster and nicer. And our monitor we got in Louisiana still works great so we just hook up the laptop to that and it's like a brand new computer!
COOOOOL!! I saw lots of these at the Offutt Air Show I worked at a couple years ago! It was very neat! Thanks again for thinkin about Devin on Sunday when you were there, just the wrong base is all :)
Love yas, Karla
Reminds me of the Minnesota car show when we get up at 2:30 - 3a.m. to sit in line for the gates to open at 6. It's always so exciting for him to see how far back from the first in line we are. Boys and their toys!!!
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