Scott is now flying weekly to build hours, and to make it fun we decided to set a goal of visiting every public use airport in Texas. We're dubbing it the "Texas Aerodrome Odyssey." We'll visit airfields large and small, meet some interesting people, check out the local eateries, and blog about what we see. Texas is a big state, and there are roughly four hundred public use airports (we're going to formulate a list with an exact number but haven't gotten to it yet). We're long on ambition, short on time, and already suffering weather and aircraft maintenance delays. We wanted to officially start January 1st and had planned a flight to Houston the first Saturday of January as our first adventure, but had to cancel due to weather. We were on vacation the next weekend and this past weekend Scott only had time to go by himself on a quick flight to Llano and back. Ideally, we would go on a "TAO" flight every weekend. That being said, Scott still needs to build hours regardless if we have time to make an adventure of every flight, so last night was actually the first official TAO flight and it involved Scott and his friend Brad flying to Stephenville, TX (just south of Dallas) in the dark to get some BBQ at Hard Eight Pit BBQ. They met no one and saw very little, but had some great BBQ and got quite a long flight in!
Beautiful sunset!
There was a ring around the moon, which Brad later learned from his mom were ice crystals in the stratosphere. ;-)

Although Renee couldn't make this one, we're rolling out Texas, here we come! (Even if it takes 10 years!)